South Wales Coalition Against the War

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Useful Websites
**Stop the War Coalition
**Swansea Coalition Against the War
**Military Families against the War
**School Students Against the War
**Campaign against Nuclear Disarmament
**Indymedia UK
**Stop War on Iran

**Labour Against the War

From Iraq:
Dahr Jamail's website
Basra Oil Union

Electronic Intifada



Coaches leave Cardiff Museum steps at 8 am
To reserve a place, contact Taran O'Sullivan on 07914 309 909 as soon as possible!
Tickets: £16 waged/£8 unwaged


(A leaflet to download will be available on the website)
We have had overwhelming demand from people contacting the Stop the War officeby telephone, email and text messages expressing outrage over the carnage in Lebanon and Gaza and demanding that we call a emergency national demonstration. This has now been called for Saturday 5 August (details above).

We mobilised 30,000 for the London emergency demonstration on 22 July, which shows the strength of feeling on this issue. Every local Stop the War group needs immediately to publicise the national demonstration on 5 August. We need
coaches to be booked to bring people from across the country. Book your coaches now. The strength of feeling on this issue is running as high as it was in the lead up to the Iraq War.  People will come to London if they know about the demonstration and if there is transport organised.

This is a pivotal moment for the anti-war movement. We need to respond with the utmost urgency


See also Public Meeting on the Lebanon this Tuesday below

All-Wales March for Peace and Justice in the Middle East:


Saturday 29 July, Assemble 1 pm
Cathays Park (opposite City Hall/National Museum)
Last week, Bush and Blair prevented world leaders from calling for a ceasefire in the Middle East, instead they are allowing Israel to inflict collective punishment on the people of Gaza & Lebanon and commit crimes against humanity.
In Lebanon,  a whole country torn to shreds:
* More than 300 civilians killed
* 500,000 people have fled their homes
* All major roads, 55 bridges and 7 airports destroyed, no supplies reaching many areas
* Hospitals, apartment buildings, churches, mosques, factories, petrol stations bombed,
* Lebanon's largest dairy farm, pharmaceutical factories, food supply depots destoryed
* Desperate need for water, medicines and sanitation for those fleeing Israel's bombardment.
Israel says that all this is justified because 2 Israeli soldiers have been taken prisoner, willfully forgeting that over 9,000 Palestinians & Lebanese are held captive in Israeli prisons, many without any criminal charges being made.
Emergency demonstration called by Stop the War Coalition groups in South Wales.  Supported by Palestine Solidarity Cymru, Palestinian Society of Wales and many other organisations and individuals.  To add your name or organisation to the list of supporters e-mail this address. 
Please forward this email to as many people as possible - as soon as possible!
ANDREW COOMBES, evacuated from Lebanon by the British embassy this week will give an eyewitness report of Israeli brutality.  Read Andrew's online account of Israel's destruction of Lebanon on the BBC website:
Other speakers:
ZAHERA HARB, Lebanese journalist who reported on Israel's massacre in Qana, in South Lebanon, in 1996, and is currently researching the media war between Israel & Lebanon.
MOHAMMED ISSA, Palestinian doctor from Gaza.
JONNY JONES, President of Swansea University Stop the War Group.
Tuesday 25 July at 7 pm
Riverside Community Centre
Brunel Street (off Ninian Park Road)


Emergency Public Meeting:

Tuesday 25 July at 7 pm, Riverside Community Centre
Brunel Street (Off Ninian Park Road), Riverside, Cardiff

Speakers will include Zahera Harb, a Lebanese journalist who reported on Israel's massacre in Qana in 1996, and is currently researching the media war between Israel & Lebanon.  Other speakers from Gaza and the Stop the War Coalition have been invited.

There will be plenty of opportunity for debate & discussion.

For more information and links to articles on the escalating war and crisis in the Middle East, see:

Tickets will be available at the meeting for the coaches to the demonstration outside the Labour Party Conference in Mancester in September.  Tickets cost £16 waged/£8 unwaged.

Directions to Community Centre from town: Head down Wood St. (in front of Bus Station), follow the road past the stadium onto Tudor Street and then onto Ninian Park Road.  The community centre is situated on the corner with Brunel Street.



Cardiff Stop the War Coalition

In solidarity with the people of Iraq struggling under foreign occupation

Demonstrate Saturday September 23rd at Labour Party Conference in Manchester

Public Meeting

What the mainstream media refuses to report . . .
Speaker - Max Fuller,
Investigative writer and author of two highly acclaimed articles that expose direct US involvement in the training and funding of death squads in Iraq.
Max Fuller is an activist in the Colombia Solidarity Campaign, a member of the advisory committee of the Brussels Tribunal (, and a human rights activist.
Monday 26 June at 7 pm
Beverton Lecture Theatre
Main Building
(Opposite Student Union)
Cardiff University
Park Place

John Pilger:
'According to the investigative writer Max Fuller (National Review online), the key CIA manager of the Interior Ministry death squads "cut his teeth in Vietnam before moving on to direct the U.S. military mission in El Salvador."  . . . Another, says Fuller, is well-known for his "production of death lists." A secret militia run by the Americans is the Facilities Protection Service, which has been responsible for bombings. "The British and U.S. Special Forces," concludes Fuller, "in conjunction with the [U.S.-created] intelligence services at the Iraqi Defense Ministry, are fabricating insurgent bombings of Shias.'

Mike Whitney, US anti-war movement:

'Fuller sweeps away the illusions created by the war on terror.  With laser-like intensity he focuses attention on the most expansive clandestine Intel-operation of all time; the terrorizing of an entire nation, pushing it inexorably towards civil war.  The Interior Ministry is the epicenter of Iraq’s violent malaise.  It is the headquarters for the Badr and Wolf Brigades; the American-trained death squads which are responsible for the massive assassination program directed at “alleged” Sunni resistance fighters.  The torture chambers, death squads, and random bombings are not caused by foreign terrorists, nor are they the work of Iranian agents striving for a theocratic regime in Baghdad.  They are, in fact, the nefarious activities of American puppet-masters, who matriculated in the terror wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador. Now, under Uncle Sam’s benign gaze, they are plying their trade in Iraq; wreaking havoc and spreading suffering on an unimaginable scale.'



Protest the new army recruitment centre in Cardiff
Saturday 3 June at 1.30
Wood Street (Opposite Bus station)


Demonstrate Saturday September 23rd at Labour Party Conference in Manchester


Stop starving Palestinians!
Recognise Palestinian Democracy!
End Israel's Occupation!

National Demonstration for Justice for Palestine
Saturday 20 May
Assemble 12 Noon, Embankment
Rally in Trafalgar Square

Coach details: Leave Bedwas depot, 7.30 am, Cardiff Museum steps 8.00 am,
Newport Bus Station 8.30 am
To book a place please call
Beaty (PSC Sec) on 07910524804 or
Sue on 029 20493980 / 07790962764

Hands off Iran

Ms. Roudabeh Safeh, Founder of Action Iran - Campaign against Military
Intervention in Iran will be speaking on April 28th in the Quaker Meeting
House, Charles Street, Cardiff at 7 pm.
Admission Free! Not to be missed!


Bob Roberts Deputy Political Editor, Daily Mirror:

"JACK Straw was sacked as Foreign Secretary because he opposed an attack against Iran, it was claimed yesterday.
He said last month attacking the country to stop its nuclear programme was "nuts". But Tony Blair later told MPs that while "nobody is talking about a military invasion" now was "not the time to send a message of weakness".
George Bush was reportedly furious at Straw.
Yesterday friends of Mr Straw said his fate was sealed in a phone call from the White House.
Condoleezza Rice's visit to Blackburn is said to have irritated Blairites as Straw milked the US Secretary of State's trip.
And the PM allegedly called Mr Straw a "tart" in a row over Europe."

One of the most common claims in support of the occupation of Iraq is that if the troops leave there will be civil war - but what if the sectarian violence was actually being fueled by the US secret services?

Max Fuller will be speaking in Cardiff in a few weeks, full details to be announced shortly, on his seminal investigation into how the pattern of death squad activities in Iraq, often attributed to Shi'ia militias under the control of the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior, replicates the pattern of US trained death squads operating in South America, most obviously El Salvador.

His groundbreaking work on sectarian violence has drawn praise from John Pilger and has formed the basis for a more informed understanding of "The Salvador Option" in Iraq.

Two important articles for every anti-war activist to read:

"Max Fuller has written the most important article of the year and perhaps the decade. In his Crying Wolf: Media Disinformation and Death Squads in Occupied Iraq, Fuller painstakingly lays out the details and documentation to prove that the United States intelligence agencies are behind the vast incidents of murder and torture being carried out in Iraq today. If Fuller’s thesis is correct, then the War on Terror, that mighty engine of imperial carnage, is nothing more than a public relations scam to enlist public support."
Mike Whitney, US Anti-war movement

Adam Johannes
Cardiff Stop the War Coalition
(07940 108 146)

 4th April at 1 pm,

BBC Wales
Broadcasting House
Llantrisant Road

Embedded with the military in Iraq.
Embedded with the political establishment at home.

The BBC refused to cover the global demonstrations against the occupation of
Iraq, just as it has spent the last year justifying why it refused to cover
the use of chemical weapons and the massacre at Fallujah.  Pro-war
politicians are interviewed all the time, yet anti-war voices are censored.
Join a series of demonstrations for a free media and a free Iraq taking
place across the UK: Tony Blair lied/lies to the public, the media repeats
his lies.

Bring placards, posters & banners exposing the media's complicity with
attrocity in Iraq!



Huge protests greeted the woman who one local newspaper described as the
most unwelcome visitor to Merseyside since fascist leader Oswald Moseley.

Full reports here:

MARCH 18th

Up to 100,000 people marched in London and demonstrations took place in 250
cities including Baghdad and Basra in occupied Iraq.


The 18 March London Demo

 On a bitterly cold and windy Saturday tens of thousands of people gathered in Parliament Square from across the country at the start of the London demonstration. Tables were set up to collect signatures for the Tony Benn UN/Attorney General letter calling for the war criminals to be brought to account. A British demonstration finally caught up with the 21st century as others were able to send text messages to add their names to the petition.  The Theatre of War enacted a ‘trial’ of Tony Blair, kitted out in robes and wigs. David Gentleman organised a team from early in the morning to lay out the 100,000 blood spots which covered half of the Square and cartoons from Ralph Steadman, Leon Kuhn and Nicholas Wood were displayed before being mounted at the rally in Trafalgar Square. The police chased a man with a sign saying ‘Give War a Chance’ and questioned him closely, clearly lacking any sense of irony. Shame they don’t chase the man who gives war every chance. The march set off along Victoria Street, behind Buckingham Palace and along Piccadilly to Trafalgar Square. As the front of the march arrived in the Square the tail was leaving Parliament. By the time the last marchers arrived in the Square most of the speeches were over. Speakers included London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, Tony Benn, Hassan Zargani (Al Sadr Movement, Iraq), trade union leaders, MP’s Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway, ex-ambassador Craig Murray, Brian Eno and Military Families Against The War. Some of the loudest cheers were reserved for Ben Griffin, the ex-SAS trooper who refused to return to Iraq, and who accused the ‘Coalition’ forces of war crimes. There was a massive foreign media presence and less than overwhelming interest from the BBC. The demo was totally ignored on the evening TV news and when we asked them why were told there were too few people present to make it newsworthy. Questioned about their estimate on numbers the BBC quoted the Metropolitan Police figure of 15,000. Asked whether they always believed the police figures the answer was, No, not always but this time yes. We estimate that this demonstration attracted the support of between 80 - 1000,000 people and we can add  that the Saturday marchers represent majority opinion in this country who demand that our troops be pulled out of Iraq, for there to be no attack on Iran and for the defence of the Muslim community. And the future? As Stop the War Coalition’s John Rees has put it: ‘so long as they continue to kill we will continue to march.’



Saturday 18 March 2006
Assemble 12 Noon
Parliament Square

Coaches leave Cardiff Museum steps at 8 am
Tickets cost £16 waged / £8 unwaged
Contact Sue Lent to book - 029 20 493 980
Or e-mail this address:

Please book your seat a.s.a.p

This demonstration is part of a series of demonstrations around the world
marking the third anniversary of the occupation of Iraq.


News From Iraq
ubscribe to the Bulletin by emailing:

22nd to 28th July
15th to 20th July
3rd June to 9th June
27th June to 2nd June
20th 26th May 2006
13th May to 19th May
th May to 12th May 2006
29th April to May 5th 2006

22nd - 28th April 2006
15th - 21st April 2006

8th -14th April 2006
1st to 7th April 2006
25th to 31st March 2006
17th March to 24th March
11th March - 16th March

March 4th - March 10th
Feb 25th - March 3rd



Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has backed calls for a global anti-war demonstration on March 18th, and stated that he will do everything in his power to promote this demonstration in Latin America and globally calling for the construction of a "world-wide anti-imperialist front".In Venezuela, which provides 25% of Oil to the US, Government ministers admitted a debt of gratitude to the resistance in Iraq for giving them a breathing space from military intervention.In the past the US has backed an attempted military coup against democratically elected Chavez.


From British occupied Basra, Faraj Rabat Mizbhan of the independent Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions is urging trade unionists, peace activists and opponents of the occupation to demonstrate in their tens of thousands across the world on 18 March."We are indebted to the people who have raised their voices against the occupation of our country - whether they are British, Americans, Russians or from anywhere across the globe," he told Stop the War Coalition from Basra."By opposing this war, and opposing this occupation you are standing by the Iraqis who have to endure the terror of occupation."You are standing up for our right to independence, our freedom from the thieves who have descended on our country."People in Britain will have seen the film of British soldiers savagely beating the four lads in Ammara."This is the reality of the occupation. Carry this image in your minds when you demonstrate. This is what we are ­struggling against."
Demonstrations called in Baghdad and Basra on Friday 17 March are backed by the Al-Sadr Movement, the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions and the Iraqi National Foundation conference


Thursday 26 January at 7.30 pm
Mackintosh Institute
Keppoch Street
(Off City Road)

With the election results finally announced in Iraq, and the international
community debating action against Iran, our next planning meeting will
include feedback and discussion from the International Peace Conference, discussion of future local events, our mobilisation for the March 18th demonstration +  planning for an AGM on Thursday 16 February. All Welcome.NEW STOP THE WAR COALITION NEWSLETTER

The national Stop the War Coalition is producing a regular newletter with
updates on a variety of issues and events, you can subscribe at the Stop the War website -